These are Munin version 1.2.5 RPMs rebuilt for RedHat Enterprise Linux, based on the Fedora Extras package. All kudos should go to Kevin Fenzi for maintaining the Fedora package. The munin-node package now depends on perl-Net-SNMP. This package is not available from RedHat, but may be found in the rpmforge repos, in the package maintained by Dag Wieers, available at , or, as the package is now in Fedora, you may try to recompile the Fedora package. The packages may not be tested much, but should probably be all right. On the other hand, I take no responsibility whatsoever for any damage done. By installing these packages you're on your own. You have been warned. For more information on Munin, please consider the homepage, , and post any questions to the mailing lists mentioned there. October 2006, Ingvar Hagelund